
DC Group's wealth of knowledge covers the world's major industries and the most crucial business issues.

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Today's companies face many operational challenges. Learn more about our competencies.

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Our Technology and Software Competences

Industry Challenges

Technology companies face common challenges. Whether they make products or offer services, these companies operate at high speeds. Their goods and services can quickly become commodities, forcing them to innovate continually. As a result, they face a number of crucial strategic and operational questions:

  • In what part of the value chain should we play?
  • Should we focus on specific customer groups or applications?
  • How should we partner with other players?
  • How can we become an innovation leader and capture higher margins?
  • How can we rapidly reduce cost in order to counter constant price declines?
  • How can we achieve a truly global presence?

    Read more: Our Technology and Software Competences


Risk Management: How up-to-date are your Internal Audit Manuals?

This publication challenges an  organization's risk management by giving insights on the implications and importance of having regular reviews and updates of audit manuals.

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DC Group Offices

DC Group has offices and affiliates in various parts of the globe with a major presence in Sub-Saharan Africa. Learn about our presence.

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