
DC Group's wealth of knowledge covers the world's major industries and the most crucial business issues.

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Today's companies face many operational challenges. Learn more about our competencies.

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Our Process Industries Competences

DC Group has deep experience in all process industries, particularly in chemicals, building materials, pulp and paper, and their respective subsectors. Additionally, our collaborative network of professionals allows us to share relevant expertise across these different sectors.

Industry Challenges: Chemicals

The variety and richness of the many segments and business models within the chemical industry are unique Still, many companies face similar challenges and must and must answer some crucial questions;

  • How do we create value through differentiation in each chemical segment while avoiding resource fragmentation and internal complexity?
  • How can we leverage innovation in products, processes and business models as a key source of competitive advantage?
  • How can we reach new levels of operational excellence in our core processes?
  • How should we align different sources of competitive advantage- from feedstock advantage to customer access advantage?

The current demand crisis, combined with a high level of feedstock volatility, will significantly change the landscape of the chemical industry and accelerate fundamental trends. Companies need to “win in the downturn” and create advantages now to emerge stronger and to win also in the next upturn. Successful management of the cycle requires both focussed resource allocation and an honest analysis of the business portfolio advantages.

DC Group Competencies

DC Group works with chemical companies around the world across all relevant segments within the industry. We have experience in areas ranging from petrochemicals to manifold speciality chemicals applications that are tightly linked to the customers’ business models.
We work with our clients on their most important operational topics- cash release in net working capital, manufacturing excellence, global production networks, commercial and pricing excellence, and innovation management.  We support companies in core strategic choices such as portfolio management, acquisitions search, business evaluations, and value chain strategies. Infact, we see a tight linkage between core strategic choices and a chemical company’s operating model.
The global DC Group chemicals team includes more than 50v experienced partners and more than 200 consultants around the world. To learn more, see our related impact stories.


Industry Challenges: Building materials

The building materials sector covers a wide range of products- from cement and aggregates to building elements such as bricks and insulation.  The players in the sector are facing similar challenges and must answer several key questions to win in this industry’s changing landscape;

  • How do we secure our position in the industry value chain?
  • Howe do we manage and integrate different business models with the company?
  • How do we drive competitive advantage when costs are determined by location and past events?
  • How do we operate in different regions, which have very different levels of maturity, dynamics and profit expectations?
  • How do we use operational excellence and innovation to drive competitive advantage?

DC Group Competencies

DC Group works with building materials companies around the world, across all major segments. We work with all the industry leaders in basic building materials and with some of the top players in the building elements segment.
We work with our clients on a broad range of topics along the value chain, covering issues of strategy, operations and organization. We help companies evaluate their competitiveness, develop growth strategies, and undertake acquisition searches value-chain strategies. We help them drive deep operational excellence in mining, supply chain, manufacturing, sales and marketing.
We also support companies in building organizational capabilities, defining organizational models and structures, and aligning leadership and competences with their strategy.

Industry Challenges: Pulp and paper

Companies working in the pulp and paper sector are facing a range of new challenges that present corporate leaders throughout the industry with crucial questions;

  • How do we handle increasingly fragile and fragmented demand?
  • What effects will the volatility of raw materials have on competitiveness?
  • When cost is largely determined by past investments and locations, how do we remain competitive?
  • What measures should be taken to deal with competitors from other regions?
  • What do we do with legacy assets that can not be shut sown or sold?

The paper industry has experienced continuous weaknesses in demand, while costs have increased steadily. The recent crisis will probably accelerate the need for many of the changes required for survival, but the speed and focus of actions will vary significantly between players.

DC Group Competencies

In pulp and paper, DC Group has worked across all major grades (graphic, packaging, hygiene and specialities) in all regions, and on a broad range of topics along the entire value chain. We have worked with companies in resolving the issues that will be crucial to sustaining these organizations in a changing global market.
Our experience spans the issues most relevant to the industry, and we have the additional advantage of leveraging our companywide knowledge resources- including expertise in paper machinery, printing, conversion, and publishing. Our experience includes benchmarking mill projects, improving mill profitability, exploring business opportunities, assessing the growing market, and looking at sourcing options around the world.

Risk Management: How up-to-date are your Internal Audit Manuals?

This publication challenges an  organization's risk management by giving insights on the implications and importance of having regular reviews and updates of audit manuals.

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DC Group Offices

DC Group has offices and affiliates in various parts of the globe with a major presence in Sub-Saharan Africa. Learn about our presence.

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